Manefest Editor Guide
Main Page:
1. Main page contains file upload option where user can upload jar, jar.zip, manfest.mf or jad file either by normal FileUpload option or URL upload option.
2. There are two modes for reading manifest i.e Normal mode and Advance mode.
3. In Opera mini or PC the the Table alignment is perfect but in UC it doesnt look good so there is extra check box to make TextBox in table of Advance mode appear in next line.
If you check this, Advance mode will appear like this
else for uncheck it will be like this
For any browser other than UC, dont check it
Normal Mode:
1. In normal mode you can add some predefined useful attributes by just checking the checkbox(es) e.g you can remove virtual key board or add text which will be shown when deleting app etc.
2. In this mode you can also change Midlet name and see main class file.
Advance mode:
1. In advance mode you can modify, delete any attribute present in manifest file and add any extra attributes.
2. To delete any attribute just delete the corresponding value from TextBox like this
3. To add more attributes there is also a big TextBox below but to use this follow some rules like add each attribute in new line and between attributes and its value there should be a space e.g see this
Manifest Attribute Details:
1. MIDlet-Version:
The MIDlet suite version number.
For example: 1.0.1
2. MIDlet-Vendor:
The company that provides the MIDlet suite.
For example: InvokeVirtual
3. MIDlet-Name:
The name of the MIDlet suite.
For example: UC Browser
4. MicroEdition-Configuration:
The Java ME configuration required by the MIDlets in this suite. The value is compared to that listed in the microedition.configuration property of the target device to determine compatibility.
For example: CLDC-1.0
5. MicroEdition-Profile:
The version or versions of the MIDP specification that the MIDlets in this suite can work with.The versions specified are compared to those listed in the microedition.profiles property of the target device to determine compatibility.
For example: MIDP-2.0
6. MIDlet-<n>:
The name, icon, and class of the <n> midlet in the JAR file separated by a comma. The name and class are mandatory.
for example:
MIDlet-1: UC Browser,/l.png,cn.uc.application.app.WebClient
7. MIDlet-Description:
A description of the MIDlet suite. Displayed to the user during the installation.
For example: A simple demo midlet
8. MIDlet-Icon:
The case-sensitive absolute name of a .png file within the JAR used to represent the MIDlet suite.
For example: /icons/mydemo.png
9. MIDlet-Info-URL:
The URL that contains further information describing the MIDlet suite. Displayed to the user during the installation.
For example:
10. MIDlet-Data-Size:
The minimum number of bytes of persistent data required by the MIDlet suite.
For example: 500
11. MIDlet-Delete-Confirm:
The application management system uses this confirmation prompt when removing the MIDlet suite.
For example: Are you sure you want to delete the Demo?
12. MIDlet-Delete-Notify:
This property indicates the URL for posting removal status.
13. MIDlet-Install-Notify:
Indicates the URL for posting installation and update status.
14. Nokia-MIDlet-no-exit:
Indicates a MIDlet that cannot exit once started.
for Example: true or false
15. Nokia-UI-Enhancement:
Specifies the following:
> Theme (skin) behavior on a normal mode Canvas (not full screen) component. The background image is shown if the attribute value is
. If the attribute is not defined, by default the background is white (corresponds to Display.getColor(COLOR_BACKGROUND)). If the MIDlet does not render all the pixels of a given clip region in the paint method, the theme background is shown.
> Receiving
Media Key Event
while the MIDlet is running.
for Example:
Nokia-UI-Enhancement: CanvasHasBackground
Nokia-UI-Enhancement: MusicKeysSupported
16. Nokia-Update:
Version update URL, used when doing Update Check. If no URL then Update Check is disabled.
for Example:
17. Nokia-MIDlet-national-digit-display:
Used to enable national rather than Latin digit display.
For Example: true or false